Funniest Things Overheard at the Barn This Week

“I had a dream that I was at the Olympics and Buck Davidson was judging and he eliminated me because I forgot my course. Then I woke up crying.”


Me, after the lesson: “Do you have any questions?”
7 year old student: “Yes. What is Buttercup’s favorite color?”


12 year old student’s mom: “I’m hoping one day it’ll just click and she will be super fast and great at tacking up!”
Teenage student next to us fails to tighten girth and saddle slips under horse’s belly “Then again, maybe it never will.”

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“My pony’s idea of a great time is covering his entire body with mud right before my lesson.”


8 year old student, who has been riding for 3 years: “There isn’t a hoofpick in this grooming kit.”
Me (instructor): “Go in the tack room and find one.”
4 year old student: “Is this her first lesson?”
Me: “No.”
8 year old student: “I can’t remember which side the girth goes on first.”
4 year old student: “Are you SURE this isn’t her first lesson?”

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